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Sep 27, 2024

How Recruiters and Companies Can Support Employees During Layoffs

Layoffs are challenging for everyone involved, from the employees who are directly affected to the recruiters and companies managing the process. However, with thoughtful planning and compassionate execution, recruiters and companies can provide significant support to employees during these difficult times. Let’s explore some strategies to consider:

Transparent Communication

Open and honest communication is crucial during layoffs. LinkedIn notes, “Ensure that you provide clear, concise information about the process, timelines, and what your employees can expect next. Avoid jargon and be as transparent as possible. This reduces uncertainty and rumors, which can cause unnecessary stress. Your goal is to make sure everyone understands the situation and feels informed about the decisions being made.”

Offering Outplacement Services

Outplacement services can be a valuable resource for employees who are being laid off. These services often include career counseling, resume writing assistance, interview preparation, and job search support. By offering outplacement services, companies can help employees transition to new opportunities more smoothly.

LinkedIn, reiterated, “Providing resources to those affected by layoffs can make a significant difference. This might include career counseling, resume workshops, or job placement services. By offering these resources, you help ease the transition and demonstrate that you care about their future success. It’s not just about helping them leave your organization, but also about setting them up for success elsewhere.”

Providing Emotional Support

Layoffs can take a significant emotional toll on employees. Providing access to mental health resources, such as counseling services or employee assistance programs (EAPs), can help employees cope with the stress and uncertainty. Encouraging a supportive work environment where employees can openly discuss their feelings is also important.

Financial Assistance

Where possible, offering severance packages and extended benefits can provide a financial cushion for employees as they search for new jobs. Additionally, providing information about unemployment benefits and other financial resources can help employees navigate their options.

Networking Opportunities

Facilitating networking opportunities can help employees connect with potential employers and industry professionals. Hosting job fairs, networking events, or providing introductions to recruiters can open doors for employees seeking new positions.

Maintaining a Positive Relationship

Even after layoffs, maintaining a positive relationship with former employees can be beneficial. Offering to provide references, staying in touch through alumni networks, and celebrating their future successes can help preserve goodwill and potentially lead to rehiring opportunities in the future.

Layoffs are never easy, but by prioritizing transparent communication, offering outplacement services, providing emotional and financial support, facilitating networking opportunities, and maintaining positive relationships, recruiters and companies can help employees navigate this challenging time with dignity and respect. Supporting employees during layoffs not only helps them transition to new opportunities but also reinforces a company’s commitment to its workforce. If you’ve recently been affected by a layoff and are seeking guidance on your next steps, check out our latest job openings and connect with one of our seasoned recruiters for personalized support.

The Great Return: Navigating the Transition Back to Office Life

As the world gradually emerges from the shadow of the pandemic, many companies are calling their employees back to the office. This transition, often referred to as “The Great Return,” presents both challenges and opportunities for employees and employers alike. In this article, we’ll explore the various facets of this transition and offer strategies for a smooth return to office life while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Challenges of Returning to the Office

Adjusting to Commutes: After months or even years of working from home, the daily commute can feel like a daunting task. The time spent traveling can impact personal schedules and increase stress levels.

Rebuilding Office Routines: Employees must readjust to office routines, which can include adhering to dress codes, scheduled breaks, and in-person meetings. This shift can be overwhelming for those who have grown accustomed to the flexibility of remote work.

Health and Safety Concerns: Despite the easing of pandemic restrictions, health concerns remain. Employees may worry about the risk of infection, especially in crowded office spaces.

Work-Life Balance: The return to the office can blur the boundaries between work and personal life. The convenience of handling household tasks during breaks or spending more time with family may be reduced.

In fact, noted that, “A FutureForum survey found 72% of employees weren’t satisfied with their level of flexibility at work. For most employees, eliminating the commute offers opportunities for better work-life balance. It allows them to create a work experience that fits better with the responsibilities of their personal lives, whether that includes scheduling doctor appointments or balancing childcare.”

Opportunities of Returning to the Office

Enhanced Collaboration: In-person interactions can foster better communication and collaboration among team members. Spontaneous brainstorming sessions and face-to-face meetings can lead to more innovative solutions.

Networking and Relationship Building: Being physically present in the office provides opportunities for networking and building stronger relationships with colleagues and supervisors.

Access to Resources: Offices often provide resources that may not be available at home, such as specialized equipment, faster internet, and a dedicated workspace free from household distractions.

Structured Environment: The office environment can offer a more structured routine, which can enhance productivity and focus for some employees.

Strategies for a Smooth Transition

Gradual Return: If possible, opt for a phased return to the office. Start with a few days a week and gradually increase the frequency. This approach allows employees to adjust at their own pace.

Flexible Work Arrangements: Encourage flexible work arrangements, such as hybrid models, where employees can split their time between home and the office. This flexibility can help maintain work-life balance.

Open Communication: Foster open communication between employees and management. Address concerns and provide updates on health and safety measures. Regular check-ins can help employees feel supported.

Mental Health Support: Provide resources for mental health support, such as counseling services or stress management workshops. Encourage employees to take breaks and prioritize self-care., also stated, “Improve employee engagement and experience during RTO by:

  • “Fostering in-person connections: Instead of relying on spontaneous coffee chats, help expand networks and relationships with structured connectivity programs. According to the Institute of Leadership and Management, 77% of respondents listed genuine relationships as the most important factor in determining job satisfaction.”
  • “Creating opportunities: Implement mentorship or sponsorship programs to help employees reach their career goals.”
  • “Build belonging: Help diverse employees (and beyond) feel connected to their peers—no matter where they work—through DEI development programs.”

Navigating the transition back to office life is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning and consideration. By acknowledging the challenges and leveraging the opportunities, employees and employers can work together to create a positive and productive work environment. With the right strategies in place, “The Great Return” can be a smooth and successful journey for all.

Sep 5, 2024

#WeAreGreenKey: Spotlight on Thomas Newham

Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse recruiting team.

Recently, we had the opportunity to meet with Thomas Newham, Recruiter on the Information Technology team at Green Key. For nearly three years, Thomas has been a dedicated member of the IT team, focusing on the infrastructure side of tech recruiting. Specializing in roles such as Help Desk positions, IT Managers, and Field Technicians, he leverages his industry knowledge to connect talented individuals with the right opportunities. His commitment to building strong relationships and staying ahead of industry trends ensures that both clients and candidates find the perfect match in this ever-evolving field.

How did you first get started in tech recruiting?

I’ve always been passionate about recruiting, even though I never had a specific niche in mind. The opportunity to connect talented individuals with their ideal roles has always excited me. When I applied to Green Key for the tech division, they reached out to me, and I’ve been here ever since.

What has been the most rewarding moment in your career as a tech recruiter?

The most rewarding moments for me have been helping people and companies find their perfect match. Job changes are significant life moves, and they don’t happen too often. When they do, finding a position that excites someone makes me feel great, knowing I’ve positively impacted their lives and their families.

How do you continue to grow and develop your skills in this field?

I do lots of networking and enjoy connecting with recruiting influencers on LinkedIn. I listen to recruiting podcasts, read books, and engage with many colleagues here at Green Key. We have many high performers internally, and I love learning from the best. Through these conversations, I pick up valuable insights that help me to continuously refine my craft.

What are some common mistakes candidates make during tech interviews, and how can they avoid them?

A big mistake a lot of people make is focusing too much on the future during interviews. They ask a lot about what comes after they’ve gotten the role, while the company is trying to fill the position here and now. It’s important to focus on the current role. You can ask a few questions about growth, but really emphasize your excitement about the position in front of you right now.

How important is it for candidates to be familiar with specific technologies or programming languages versus having a strong foundational knowledge?

Although foundational knowledge provides a solid start, many of our clients prefer candidates with practical experience in particular technologies, especially when working through an agency. These roles are difficult to fill for this reason, so we prioritize candidates who already have the precise skills and tools required by our clients.

What sets your team apart from other tech recruiting teams?  

Before we submit any candidates for jobs, we like to hop on a quick video call with them. Building solid relationships is the foundation of our team’s success. I aim to be someone’s go-to recruiter when they’re on the job market. Putting a face to the name and keeping it personal sets us apart because not many candidates get the chance to have any face-to-face interaction with their recruiter. This personal touch keepsour candidates referring us to their friends, former colleagues, and anyone they know looking for a new position.

What do you think the future holds for tech recruitment, and how should candidates prepare for these changes?

When it comes to tech recruitment, there will always be open positions because technology is constantly evolving. The best way to stay on top of everything is to keep up with the latest tech news. If a new piece of technology comes out, do your best to get hands-on experience with it. If you can’t physically interact with it, try to learn about it in other ways. It’s crucial to keep up with the times because it’s very easy to become outdated in the tech world.

Sep 4, 2024

Bias in AI Recruitment: Challenges and Solutions

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a significant player in the recruitment process. However, Recruiter Daily reported, “…a recent survey conducted by the Harris Poll on behalf of the American Staffing Association reveals a concerning trend: a significant minority of job seekers believe that AI recruiting tools are more biased than human recruiters.”

According to Recruiter Daily, the survey found that, “…43% of job seekers actively seeking new roles feel that AI tools exhibit more bias compared to human recruiters. This distrust is not unfounded. They article went further to highlight, what Richard Wahlquist, CEO of the American Staffing Association noted, “Job seekers may feel comfortable using artificial intelligence tools in their job search, but that does not equate to trusting AI to make fair hiring decisions.”

The potential for AI to introduce bias into the hiring process has been a topic of concern for some time. This has led to calls for increased transparency and accountability in the deployment of AI in hiring.

Adding to this discussion, a report from MIT Technology Review highlights how LinkedIn discovered bias in its job-matching algorithms. The company found that its AI was recommending more men than women for open roles, simply because men were more likely to apply for positions or respond to recruiters. MIT Technology Review highlighted that a team at LinkedIn, “…built a new AI designed to produce more representative results and deployed it in 2018. It was essentially a separate algorithm designed to counteract recommendations skewed toward a particular group. The new AI ensures that before referring the matches curated by the original engine, the recommendation system includes a representative distribution of users across gender.”

The distrust in AI recruiting tools is further supported by another survey by the American Staffing Association, the American Staffing Association Workforce Monitor conducted by The Harris Poll, found that, “Nearly half of employed U.S. job seekers (49%) believe artificial intelligence (AI) tools used in job recruiting are more biased than their human counterparts…” This sentiment underscores the need for continuous efforts to ensure fairness and reduce bias in AI systems.

As AI continues to play a crucial role in recruitment, organizations can take several proactive steps to reduce AI bias and ensure their AI systems are fair and equitable. offers a few key strategies including:

  • Diverse and Representative Data: Ensure that the training data used for AI models is diverse and representative of all groups.
  • Regular Audits and Testing: Conduct regular audits and testing of AI systems to identify and address biases.
  • Transparency and Explainability: Make AI systems transparent and their decision-making processes explainable.
  • Bias Mitigation Techniques: Implement bias mitigation techniques such as re-weighting, re-sampling, or using fairness constraints during the model training process.
  • Ethical Guidelines and Governance: Establish clear ethical guidelines and governance frameworks for AI development and deployment.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Feedback: Continuously monitor AI systems in real-world applications and gather feedback from users to identify and address any emerging biases.
  • Education and Training: Provide education and training for employees on the importance of AI ethics and bias.

While AI has the potential to revolutionize the hiring process, it is essential to address the biases that these tools can introduce. By doing so, we can work towards a more equitable and fair recruitment landscape.

Aug 30, 2024

Recruiting Gen Z: Insights and Strategies for Success

As Gen Z begins to enter the workforce, recruiters need to understand their unique characteristics, values, and expectations. This generation is distinct from their predecessors in many ways, and adapting recruitment strategies to attract and retain Gen Z talent is crucial for organizational success., discussed a comprehensive study that, “…dives deep into the job search behaviors, career goals, and challenges faced by Gen Z, providing essential insights for bridging the gap between this emerging workforce and today’s employers.”

Here are some key insights:

Digital Natives

Gen Z has grown up with technology at their fingertips. They are proficient with digital tools and expect seamless technology integration in the workplace. In fact, according to, “Many employers recognize Gen Z as “tech-savvy,” “socially conscious,” and “diverse.” 

Recruiters should leverage social media, mobile-friendly job applications, and virtual interviews to better engage with this tech-savvy generation.


Gen Z places a high value on social responsibility and ethical practices. They are more likely to be attracted to companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability, diversity, and community involvement. noted, “70.3% of Gen Zers value alignment between their employer’s mission and their own values, and 68.0% prioritize their company’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).” Hence, highlighting your organization’s values and social impact can be a powerful recruitment tool.

Desire for Growth and Development

Career growth and continuous learning are top priorities for Gen Z. They seek employers who offer clear career paths, mentorship programs, and opportunities for professional development. Emphasizing your company’s commitment to employee growth can help attract and retain Gen Z talent.

Work-Life Balance

Unlike previous generations, Gen Z prioritizes work-life balance and mental health. They value flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options and flexible hours.

Diverse and Inclusive Work Environment

Gen Z is the most diverse generation yet, and they expect workplaces to reflect this diversity. They are drawn to inclusive environments where different perspectives are valued.

Transparency and Communication

Gen Z values transparency and open communication. They appreciate honest feedback and clear expectations. Recruiters should focus on building trust through transparent communication about job roles, company culture, and career progression.

Understanding the unique characteristics of Gen Z is essential for recruiters looking to attract and retain this new wave of talent. By embracing technology, promoting values, offering growth opportunities, ensuring work-life balance, fostering diversity, and maintaining transparency, recruiters can successfully engage with Gen Z and build a dynamic, future-ready workforce.

We invite you to explore our latest job opportunities and see how we align with your values and aspirations. Check out our current openings and join us in creating a brighter future together.

Aug 28, 2024

Bullhorn’s Acquisition of Textkernel: What It Means for AI in Recruitment

In a significant move that underscores the growing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in recruitment, Bullhorn recently announced its acquisition of Textkernel. According to Capterra, “Textkernel is a global leader in AI-powered recruitment and HR technology, delivering innovative solutions to over 2,500 software vendors, corporate and staffing organizations worldwide.”

Bullhorn noted that, “The combination of Textkernel and Bullhorn will substantially help organizations solve their talent-sourcing challenges and win new business. The acquisition of Textkernel significantly accelerates our AI strategy and unlocks the next chapter of solutions we can offer customers.”

Understanding the Acquisition

By bringing Textkernel into its fold, Bullhorn aims to integrate the cutting-edge AI capabilities into its platform, providing users with a more powerful and intuitive recruitment tool.

Benefits of the acquisition

Enhanced Candidate Matching

One of the most exciting aspects of this acquisition is the potential for improved candidate matching. Textkernel’s AI algorithms are designed to analyze vast amounts of data to identify the best candidates for a given role. This means recruiters can expect more accurate and efficient matching, reducing the time spent sifting through resumes and increasing the chances of finding the perfect fit for their clients.

Streamlined Recruitment Processes

The integration of Textkernel’s technology into Bullhorn’s platform is also expected to streamline various recruitment processes. From resume parsing to job posting and candidate sourcing, AI can automate many of the repetitive tasks that recruiters face daily. This not only saves time but also allows recruiters to focus on more strategic activities, such as building relationships with clients and candidates.

Data-Driven Insights

Another significant benefit of this acquisition is the enhanced data-driven insights that will be available to recruiters. Textkernel’s AI can analyze trends and patterns in recruitment data, providing valuable insights that can inform decision-making. Whether it’s identifying the most effective sourcing channels or understanding the skills that are in highest demand, these insights can help recruiters stay ahead of the curve.

Improved Candidate Experience

For job seekers, the integration of AI into the recruitment process can lead to a more personalized and efficient experience. AI can help match candidates with roles that align with their skills and preferences, reducing the frustration of applying for unsuitable positions. Additionally, automated communication tools can keep candidates informed throughout the recruitment process, enhancing their overall experience.

The Future of AI in Recruitment

Bullhorn’s acquisition of Textkernel is a clear indication of the growing role of AI in the recruitment industry. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative solutions that will further transform the way recruiters and job seekers interact. For recruitment agencies, staying abreast of these developments and leveraging AI-powered tools will be crucial in maintaining a competitive edge. For tech candidates, staying updated on the latest AI developments is crucial to your job search. Be sure to check out our latest tech jobs to stay ahead in your career!
